I wish to draw your attention to this important document:
And your Law known as Unam Sanctum 1302: https://www.papalencyclicals.net/bon08/b8unam.htm
The final line of this obnoxious document reads “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.” The Pope was claiming ownership of all human lives! This Papal Bull is still in effect as it cannot be removed according to Catholic traditions.
I am a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and, as such, I am not a Christian. I am a Taoist with Tibetan Buddhist leanings. I do not think of this Universe and life itself quite the way you do.
I believe that any environment which is governed by materialism is inherently out of balance, evil and would equate to your definition of Hell. In other words, we live in Hell right now and it is our mission to metaphorically create Heaven on Earth by developing a more spiritual and loving behaviour.
From this point of view, the Black Nobility are the controlling Hell-beings who keep us trapped in a materialistic mind-set. They must be converted from atheism and nihilism to embracing their humanity, love and respect for sacred nature.
We are all reincarnating for eternity and, therefore, it is my duty to love them until they are repaired.
Their lawful instruments of torture affect every species from the microbes to the whales. It is my duty to protect them all and strive towards the freedom of all by working throughout every life I undertake to achieve the joy of enlightenment, showing the way - the Tao.
If their laws aim to possess, they are evil.
If their laws aim to dominate, they are evil.
These instruments must be broken and the hell-beings must be released from hell so that sacred nature and its mysterious plan can proceed unimpeded to Heaven, a home for life where all souls are synchronised and vibrate as one.
I think that this is what Jesus wanted too. In fact, many of the parables he used when teaching come from Taoist ancient literature. The abilities he had, the love he taught suggest that, for a time, he may have received a basic education from the Taoist establishments on the old Silk Road.
For example: Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh is one of the oldest herbal formulae in the TCM pharmacopeia. It treats extreme cases of poisoning. Loaves and fishes teach small children the difference between Yin and Yang.
Protecting life, ALL LIFE, depends on us permanently breaking the tools of torture, the bad laws, the possessive behaviours and the desire to dominate.
We should destroy them and replace them with love and co-operation. Then we have our foot on the road to Heaven on Earth. That is why I raise the matter of the Temple Bar and its place, holding the world in materialism and crippling the joy we should all be experiencing.
Obviously, I do not know you.
I have no idea how much influence you have.
But I need lawyers to work on undoing the materialistic and harsh dominion that they call the 'Rule of Law' and I call the Gates and Walls of Hell.
Bless you for considering my point of view.
We see the world and align with spirit in the same way Francis, but I didn't realise I was a taoist, though I have been influenced by both Jesus and bhuddism. I know how I think about the world, I just didn't know how to describe it.
The illuminanti secret is that the illuminanti is 14,000 years old guiding the will of man for that long 1st with religion 2nd with politics 3rd with consumerism and fourthly with science. Question is how do you break the masses brainwashing for 14,000 years ???????