AMHERST, Mass. – 5G wireless technology is just starting to take off worldwide, but a new study is already speculating on the future of 6G! Researchers from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst say, unlike older technology, 6G could end up using people as antennas.
Specifically, 6G telecommunications could possibly take advantage of Visible Light Communication (VLC), which is like a wireless version of fiberoptics. Right now, fiberoptics use incredibly thin glass or plastic strands to transmit information on flashes of light. These wires are extremely small, but also extremely fragile.
The UMass Amherst team says they have created a low-cost and innovative way of harvesting waste energy from VLC — using the human body as an antenna. Their invention can recycle waste energy to power wearable devices and possibly larger electronics as well.
“VLC is quite simple and interesting,” says Jie Xiong, professor of information and computer sciences at UMass Amherst, in university release. “Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, it uses the light from LEDs that can turn on and off, up to one million times per second.”
What makes VLC so appealing to the future of wireless technology is the fact that the infrastructure to use it already exists. Thanks to modern technology and smart devices, our homes, vehicles, streetlights, and offices are all lit by LED bulbs, and they could also be transmitting data.
“Anything with a camera, like our smartphones, tablets or laptops, could be the receiver,” Xiong explains.
6G could rely on VLC ‘leakage’
The team explains that VLC systems experience a significant “leakage” of energy because LEDs emit “side-channel RF signals” — or radio waves. If scientists are able to harvest this RF energy, they can put it to use.
To turn this into reality, they designed an antenna out of coiled copper wire to collect leaked RF. From there, the biggest question is what kind of object maximizes the collection of this energy?
Researchers experimented with all sorts of surfaces and thicknesses of wire. After resting the coil against plastic, cardboard, wood, and steel, as well as phones and other digital devices turned on and off, first author Minhao Cui tried wrapping the coil around a human body.
The team experimented using different daily objects to amplify the harvested power, and discovered that the human body is one of the best materials. CREDIT: Cui et al., 10.1145/3560905.3568526
Results show people are actually the best medium for amplifying the coil’s ability to collect leaked RF energy. Attaching the coil to a person collected up to 10 times more energy than just using a bare coil.
A cheap bracelet could give you 6G service
Based on these results, the researchers created an inexpensive, wearable device called the “Bracelet+,” which people can wear on their upper forearm. Study authors note they can even modify it to work as a ring, belt, anklet, or necklace — although a bracelet seemed to work best for harvesting power.
Different coil designs influence the amount of power harvested. CREDIT: Cui et al., 10.1145/3560905.3568526
“The design is cheap—less than fifty cents,” the study authors note. “But Bracelet+ can reach up to micro-watts, enough to support many sensors such as on-body health monitoring sensors that require little power to work owing to their low sampling frequency and long sleep-mode duration.”
“Ultimately, we want to be able to harvest waste energy from all sorts of sources in order to power future technology,” Xiong concludes.
“Do a deep dive on the correlation between parasitic infections and “cancer”. And after a couple days of researching “Parasites IS cancer” (not what medical and nursing schools teach – because they are funded by greed and profits and not truth – truth is the death of their profits). No one will be able to ever think of “cancer” the same. Julius Caesar was the first historically documented patient zero for cancer…yet “no cure”, because they don’t want a “cure”. Chemotherapy (which kills parasites and the host body – it was patented by IG Farben (look what company TODAY is the former IG Farben) and it is the number one most profitible money maker among all of the pharamakia treatments available at a tune of 24,000 dollars per treatment. Do you realllllllyyy think they are going to tell the general public that parasites IS “cancer”? Hell no, they need that money coming in and they withhold ivermectin, albendazole, fenbendazole, etc – and it gets REALLLLLL interesting when curiously, all known antiworm (antithelmintic) drugs just so happen to KILL CANCER. Please for the sake of your loved ones, do this research. Artemisinin, ginger, garlic, papaya seeds, black walnut hulls and cutting out all sugar in addition to taking antithelmintic drugs will completely restore the energy in your body. And why is it that cysts are called cancer when it is accepted in science that parasitic eggs are called CYSTS? I can keep going but I’d rather you do the research so you will be blown away. This is the largest medical conspiracy yet to be exposed…and when this is known, it will bankrupt the corrupt pharmakia companies and bring a renaissance to human health. God bless you all. <3”
“There’s nothing new about the human body being an antenna – it’s been one ever since the first radio waves were broadcast. Those of you who are old enough to remember analog TV (or FM radios with an antenna) may well recall that a fringe signal can be improved by holding the antenna – which works because you’re part of the antenna now. You always are, but by holding the antenna, the effect is now revealed.
This idea plays on the above simple concept. Frankly, I’m somewhat skeptical that this will remain a theoretical for many years to come because it’s one thing to prove a theory and quite another to implement it throughout society. Still, don’t be freaked out about being “used as an antenna” because you’re one anyway.”
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"We're not gonna take it. 🎶 We're not gonna take it. 🎶
And... the ever popular and enduring Black Flag I think the chorus is the best...
"We! Are tired! Of your! Abuse!!! Try to stop us! It's! No use!!!"
(Black Flag came to play in San Antonio in about 1980 or 81 -ish--- My crew, we were so excited. NOBODY good ever played in SA, not punk rock. We had to go to Austin for it. So we were there early, and--- so were the cops. They shut it down before we ever even went inside the club.
So... Talk about a rebel song!!! Have a listen if you can stand it! LOL
AND, on a less happy note: One of my posts was CENSORED. I'm sure of it. I posted about the US being made into a Corporation, and it had TWO video links in it. Now there's only ONE...
Oh hell no.
Technology must be stopped
We are beyond being for the good.
Weather warfare
Bio warfare
This has to stop
Speaking of the Who, a refrain comes to mind:
"We're not gonna take it. 🎶 We're not gonna take it. 🎶
And... the ever popular and enduring Black Flag I think the chorus is the best...
"We! Are tired! Of your! Abuse!!! Try to stop us! It's! No use!!!"
(Black Flag came to play in San Antonio in about 1980 or 81 -ish--- My crew, we were so excited. NOBODY good ever played in SA, not punk rock. We had to go to Austin for it. So we were there early, and--- so were the cops. They shut it down before we ever even went inside the club.
So... Talk about a rebel song!!! Have a listen if you can stand it! LOL
AND, on a less happy note: One of my posts was CENSORED. I'm sure of it. I posted about the US being made into a Corporation, and it had TWO video links in it. Now there's only ONE...