You lovely, jubbly wonderful people! You have made my hard work so worthwhile!
All the long hours of reading and researching, well into the nights, has paid off beautifully! I can’t thank you enough for all the helping, sharing and commenting you do. You are all stars! Even the odd troll who challenged my ideas and forced me to explain or defend my posts…. you too have helped me to stretch my patience and persistence.
When I was young I dreamed of becoming a journalist, but this universe had other ideas. It loaded me with responsibilities that prevented me from following my dream. I had to provide for myself and, by the age of 20, I was a mum with a fat mortgage.
I kept my dream, locked in the back room of my ambitions, alongside off-grid farming, long distance driving, deep sea swimming and teaching.
I achieved all those burning ambitions, leaving journalism to wait until I retired, physically worn to a frazzle.
A few days ago, a snotty Time magazine writer didn’t like something I said and decided to give me a swipe of her well practiced bitchcraft. She said I was a poor writer who desperately needed an editor. She said it was obvious that I have had no ‘training’. I laughed a lot at that. She thought she was insulting me, but I was elated that nobody could mistake my work for that of a main stream CIA stenographer like her!
I never wanted to be any normal sort of journalist. That was never on my agenda. I wanted to be a raw and real reporter, the instigator of huge discussions and debates. I wanted to receive as much as I gave. I wanted to deliver the kind of writing that would expand our horizon and cut through the lies.
I wanted to talk about taboo things until they became common knowledge. I wanted to tear through the veils of secrecy and find out why life was being made so hard for us all. But above all, I wanted to simply know more about everything.
For 12 years, since I stopped working full time, I have gone through three laptops and miles upon miles of writing. I have infuriated social media until it dispensed with me for being disobedient.
I am sorry Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey and Elon Musk! I am that conspiracy realist who won’t be intimidated by your labels and your fear of the establishment.
It has been a blast, though, you must admit!
Do send my regards to your Black Nob handlers and thank them for providing me with enough material to keep these typing fingers going for at least another decade!
You should hand in the towel now, boyz!
Grannie Frannie is tucked in the Substack dissident ghetto but she is onto you and planning to whip your butts into shape!
I look forward to meeting my next 4,000 subscribers and maybe, if I am really lucky, I can get back in touch with all the 24,000+ followers I loved before the great purge of 2020 sent me to the naughty step….. (at my age!)….. the damnable NERVE of these megalomaniacal whippersnappers!!
You have certainly shown that determination is incredibly powerful, that principle rather than profit is appreciated by more than our culture might suggest, that truth might be stranger than fiction but is just as fascinating and entertaining, and that thoughtful, objective and questioning individuals have the strength, at the very least to highlight perfidy and impropriety and, perhaps, even to sometimes or eventually defeat it.
Thank you for your persistence and congratulations on enhancing your retirement by achieving a long held dream but also nourishing the minds of others.
CIA stenographer. Brutal.