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Frances Leader on the Black Nobility

Cross-post from Jerm Warfare
For newcomers to my work, this interview provides a thorough overview of the knowledge I have accumulated about the Roman Empire Mk2. Please subscribe to Jerm Warfare and help him with The Battle of Ideas by sharing as much as you can to other social media platforms. Thank you! xx -

Frances Leader runs a Substack called Uncensored and is one of the most knowledgeable individuals I’ve come across, as far as the subject of Black Nobility is concerned.

Very few people know anything about the Black Nobility, let alone discuss it.

“The Black Nobility are the richest and most powerful families in the world who work in tandem with the Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Illuminati to achieve their goal of world domination.”

- John Coleman, The Committee of 300 (1992)

In short, the Black Nobility is a cabal of ruthless, power-hungry aristocrats who have spent centuries manipulating European (and international) politics and finance to further their own interests.

Their history dates back to the Roman Empire and are probably the most powerful people in the world.

Quick history

Frances explains in far greater depth, but, basically, the Black Nobility’s roots can be traced back to the Roman Empire, where they emerged as a powerful and wealthy elite. They were (and still are) the descendants of Roman senators, consuls, and generals who had amassed vast fortunes through conquest and exploitation.

As the Roman Empire declined, these families adapted and evolved, forming alliances with the rising powers of Europe, including the Roman Catholic Churchand Church of England.

They used their wealth and influence to secure positions of power within the Churches, often marrying into noble families and securing bishoprics and cardinalates for their sons. This strategic maneuvering allowed them to maintain their grip on power, even as the Roman Empire “crumbled”.

I use quotation marks because, as Frances points out, the Roman Empire didn’t ever come to an end. It simply took on a more subversive form.

Frances calls it the Roman Empire 2.0.

The European Black Nobility, by virtue of their vast financial holdings, have dictated the policies of nations for centuries, always working toward the establishment of a one-world government.

- Eustace Mullins, The World Order: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism (1985)


Frances gives a brilliantly substantial, yet concise, breakdown of the Black Nobility, including their history, politics, and relevance today.

As an aside, a fashionable trend, these days, is to blame the Jews for everything, but this is a bit myopic.

If your focus is on avoiding a specific pothole in the road, then you will stumble into the other potholes.

There are other truths.

Black Nobility are neither Jews nor Jesuits; they are atheists and nihilists.

- Frances Leader

Jerm Warfare
Jerm Warfare
Conversations that push back against ideological nonsense and fight the good fight in the battle of ideas.
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