🔥MANIC MONDAY🔥 CRAZY CHEMTRAILS w/ @ClimateViewer #EllmoreArmy
The Climate Clocks are ticking. The push for legalizing geoengineering to “save us” from global warming is only accelerating. The amount of research on geoengineering deployment just this past month is only growing exponentially. With all the outrage over chemtrails, why has nothing changed in the past decade?
Fifteen years have passed since I started researching both geoengineering and chemtrails and much has remained the same:
“They’re ‘spraying’ us with aluminum and barium”
“We’re being ‘sprayed’ like bugs”
“Contrails disappear, chemtrails stick around”
“All of the planes I see where I live aren’t on flight trackers”
“Planes can’t make contrails, it’s all pumps, pipes, and bottles of chemicals”
“(Pilot) Whistleblowers explain chemtrails” but doesn’t say anything new that I haven’t heard on the internet for ten years
Tennessee bans chemtrails, but the skies are still covered. Explain that?
Where has all of this fear porn gotten us? Can I convince people who already have their minds made up? Why are people not acting on that which we know as opposed to making statements based on feelings? These questions plague my mind like an infection.
When it comes to covering every aspect of geoengineering, weather modification, and space weather modification, I believe that my research has no equal:
Weather Modification History Interactive Timeline
Weather Modification History Newspaper Vault
MAPS of high power transmitters like HAARP, ELF, VLF, and missile defense radars
“All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.”
Rules of the internet, #11.
The problem with activism these days is that most people who follow the topics of geoengineering or “chemtrails” are:
Unable or unwilling to read a lot of material (this is a VERY complex topic)
Unable or unwilling to understand science
Lack any motivation to “do something” about either of these topics
Mindlessly repost anything scary or that seems like an inside scoop but it clearly (to the trained listener) is using misleading terminology
Fear Is The Mind Killer
The main problem is that addiction to fear leads to demoralization. Demoralized people feel hopeless and powerless to address that which they fear. If I had a dollar for every time I heard “What’s the point of trying to do something about this when the government, the courts, everything is corrupt” then I would be filthy rich. The only thing I fear is that which I do not know. Therefore, I intentionally confront the unknown with a ravenous hunger for knowledge. With knowledge comes power, and with power comes great responsibility. I take this responsibility very seriously.
I could easily take the knowledge I have and mix in enough slavespeak and fear-porn to become extremely popular and wealthy, as many prominent content-creators have done. Doing so would mean that I have wasted 15 years of pragmatic research and genuine hope that we can change our current situation through education and coordinated resistance.
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral, which always is as it is.” - Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
What do we know, what do we not know, and what are we going to do about what we know?
I posed this question via email to every prominent content-creator in the geoengineering/weather control community several years ago. To my surprise, nobody was willing to even respond with one exception: Elana Freeland. She suggested that I write a draft version to see if we could come to some sort of agreement. I wrote that up and nobody replied to my email on the subject. Therefore, I will make my pragmatic solution public and let you, the inquiring reader that wants to know, decide how to best incorporate this into your activism.
What do we know? GEOENGINEERING
We know that geoengineering is a serious threat to all life on the planet. We know that geoengineering will kill people. Check out my Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) page on geoengineering for more information. Here’s 27 reasons to ban spraying chemicals in the stratosphere to block sunlight:

We know who is funding geoengineering research which includes Bill Gates, George Soros, The National Science Foundation, and many more:

We know that contrails have persisted and created blankets in the sky (cirrus clouds) as early as 1958. We also know that even though contrail-cirrus is created by jet exhaust in supersaturated air, the United States military claims the ability to create clouds on demand using carbon black dust and has had this ability since 1958.

View and Download this PowerPoint Presentation
We know that the carbon tax cabal is targeting commercial airlines for their “non CO2 emissions” because contrail-induced cirrus (CIC) clouds trap heat at night. Based on this premise, contrails have become an active geoengineering project using three main themes:
Contrail Avoidance and intentional “Cooling Contrail” formation
Biofuels or Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) for contrail control
Cirrus Cloud Thinning (CCT) also known as Cirrus Cloud Seeding to melt away persistent (spreading) contrail cirrus.
We have evidence that geoengineering is occurring: Clear Sky Daylight Brightening, and the CIA acknowledges that rogue geoengineering is undetectable.
Speaking at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Jose, California, where he took part in a debate on geoengineering to combat climate change, Prof Alan Robock (geoengineering scientist) said:
" I got a phone call from two men who said we work as consultants for the CIA and we’d like to know if some other country was controlling our climate, would we know about it?
“I told them, after thinking a little bit, that we probably would because if you put enough material in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight we would be able to detect it and see the equipment that was putting it up there.
“At the same time I thought they were probably also interested in if we could control somebody else’s climate, could they detect it?"
Asked how he felt when the approach was made, he said: “Scared. I’d learned of lots of other things the CIA had done that haven’t followed the rules and I thought that wasn’t how I wanted my tax money spent. I think this research has to be in the open and international so there isn’t any question of it being used for hostile purposes.”

We know that jet exhaust contains carbon black (soot) covered in graphene and filled with toxic nanoparticles of metal. Jet exhaust releases up to 100 Quadrillion Ultra-Fine Particles (UFP) per second, that’s 1E17, or 1 with 17 zeroes behind it: 100,000,000,000,000,000! We know that there are approximately 10,000 black carbon particles PER CUBIC CENTIMETER at 18km in the stratosphere and they could only come from jet fuel. We know that no government or private agency is testing our air or rainfall for these nanoparticles (UFP) and they are affecting all life on this planet.
Stacey, Brian, Roy M. Harrison, and Francis D. Pope. "Emissions of ultrafine particles from civil aircraft: dependence upon aircraft type and passenger load." npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 6.1 (2023): 161.

"The detected metallic compounds were all internally mixed with the soot particles. The most abundant metals in the exhaust were Chromium (Cr), Iron (Fe), Molybdenum (Mo), Sodium (Na), Calcium (Ca) and Aluminum (Al); Vanadium (V), Barium (Ba), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Silicon (Si), Titanium (Ti) and Zirconium (Zr) were also detected."
Abegglen, Manuel, et al. "Chemical characterization of freshly emitted particulate matter from aircraft exhaust using single particle mass spectrometry." Atmospheric Environment 134 (2016): 181-197.
We know the technology, history, and names of almost everyone worldwide engaged in attempts to control the weather. We also know, they have all failed at controlling anything. All weather modification attempts since the invention of cloud seeding in 1946 have unpredictable results.
“Although 40 years have passed since the first NAS report on weather modification, this Committee finds itself very much in concurrence with the findings of that assessment… We conclude that the initiation of large-scale operational weather modification programs would be premature. Many fundamental problems must be answered first. It is unlikely that these problems will be solved by the expansion of present efforts, which emphasize the a posteriori evaluation of largely uncontrolled experiments. We believe the patient investigation of the atmospheric processes coupled with an exploration of the technological applications may eventually lead to useful weather modification, but we emphasize that the time-scale required for success may be measured in decades.”
National Research Council, et al. "Critical issues in weather modification research."" National Academies Press, (2003).
The Weather Modification Association’s Response to the National Research Council’s Report Titled, “Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research” • DOWNLOAD PDF
“It was concluded that tests conducted so far have not yet provided either the statistical or physical evidence required to establish that the seeding concepts have been scientifically proven.”
The change in the timing (and location) and/or increased intensity of the rain or alteration in the size spectrum of raindrops may produce an enhanced downdraft, the gust front from which will trigger the successive development of more vigorous second-, third-, and fourth-generation cells than those from unseeded clouds, and they will produce more rain than their unseeded counterparts.
Silverman, Bernard A. "A critical assessment of hygroscopic seeding of convective clouds for rainfall enhancement." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 84.9 (2003): 1219-1230. • DOWNLOAD PDF
In 2007, the EAA approved cloud seeding efforts for the ninth year in a row, and for the first time the program included a method to statistically evaluate the project’s effectiveness. Four Board members voted against continuing the program, saying there was evidence that cloud seeding could actually decrease rainfall by accident, and they also had concerns about the EAA paying for scientific studies to investigate something the National Academy had already concluded doesn’t work.
The Edwards Aquifer – Cloud Seeding (2007)
“Purposeful augmentation of precipitation, reduction of hail damage, dispersion of fog and other types of cloud and storm modifications by cloud seeding are developing technologies which are still striving to achieve a sound scientific foundation.”
"Executive Summary of the WMO Statement on Weather Modification." World Meteorological Society Expert Team on Weather Modification Research, (2010). • DOWNLOAD PDF
Analysis showed that cloud seeding produced a 3 percent increase in precipitation with a 28 percent probability that this result happened by chance. Most scientists and statisticians wouldn’t accept that level of uncertainty, says Breed, who was part of the NCAR team that analyzed the results, but for water managers in drought-prone areas, it’s a different story. “If you say, I’m 70 percent confident that this will have an impact, well, a lot of them will think that’s not too bad.”
"Draft Exectutive Summary, The Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot Program." Wyoming Water Developement Commision, (2014). • DOWNLOAD PDF • 3D Map • More Info
It is necessary to point out that many attempts and experiments to modify the atmospheric processes and weather phenomena have been made in the previous century. However, both geoengineering and weather modification are considered outside the scope of control theory. This gives rise to a number of very important problems, which are currently only formulated in general terms, such as problems related to the validation of the input and output variables, determination of the boundaries of both geoengineering activities and weather modification, statement of climate and weather manipulation goals as well as methods of achieving the objectives.
Soldatenko, Sergei, and Rafael Yusupov. "On the possible use of geophysical cybernetics in climate manipulation (geoengineering) and weather modification." WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 11 (2015): 116-125. • DOWNLOAD PDF
Although this study focuses only on three cases, the results are a fundamental step toward understanding cloud seeding efficacy that, for over half a century, has been an unanswered question for water managers wishing to utilize the technology for water resource management.
Friedrich, Katja, et al. "Quantifying snowfall from orographic cloud seeding." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117.10 (2020): 5190-5195. • DOWNLOAD PDF • See also: Cloud Seeding Really Does Work – But Only Makes Enough Snow to Dust Your Eyelashes
The Israel 4 experiment was stopped a year earlier than planned, because the result was disappointing: a 1.8% increase, p value = 0.4, and 95% confidence interval of (−11%, 16%). These results led to a decision by the Israel Water Authority to stop operational seeding.
Benjamini, Yoav, et al. "The Israel 4 Cloud Seeding Experiment: Primary Results." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 62.3 (2023): 317-327. • DOWNLOAD PDF

If cloud seeding is gambling with your weather, then geoengineering is gambling with your life!
What We Don’t Know
What we don’t know is much less than we do know:
Are there secret programs to geoengineer the skies?
Are there secret programs to depopulate the planet?
If so, who is behind these secret programs?
What weather warfare activities are going on today, as they have in the past?
The truth is that we already know that geoengineering kills people, that it is already occurring, and cold kills more people than heat. If there is a secret program or not, we know that weather modification and “accidental geoengineering” projects are already causing untold amounts of damage and death worldwide.
What Are We Going To Do About What We Know?
Pass laws banning geoengineering and weather modification in your county, state, and country, and even internationally.
Build systems to detect the chemical and electrical signatures of geoengineering and weather modification.
Organize protests against the sponsors and the companies/individuals engaged in geoengineering and weather modification activities.
Demand transparency and accountability for damage to health or property caused by any atmospheric modification attempts!
What are you waiting for? ACT ON WHAT WE KNOW!